Sunday, September 7, 2008

I can't believe how much Sierra has grown. She is nearly 14 months old now! Sierra is finally happy at preschool again after being home with mommy all summer. We had a great summer playing together, but returning to school was hard. But we are in a great routine now, even with being out for a week because of Hurricane Gustav. ( Sierra still went to school while I worked at home on lesson plans.)
Todd and I are taking Sierra to see the ENT doctor tomorrow for the first time. We have to discuss when to get buttons/tubes. Hopefully this will help with all of the ear aches Sierra has.
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Shireen said...

Sierra's hair has grown so much!! What a BEAUTIFUL picture!!!

Gosh, Kristie, y'all get have a little heart breaker on your hands!! ;)

Love you guys!

Chelle said...

Please let me know what the ENT has to say about our girl's ears. I don't know if you remember or not but Emily has 6 sets of tubes. They work good for her when they were in but they just never would stay in long for her but we had no other choices. I will try to get her new little bear in the mail soon. I love you and miss you! Chelle PS- tell Todd that Sierra's looks more and more like him every day!!! but she almost has more hair (ha!ha!)

Russell said...

Time for another post!