Monday, December 29, 2008


I can't believe how much Sierra has grown! I knew this Christmas would be so much fun with Sierra. We just had a blast. We had a wonderful time with family. It was exhausting, but all so worth it. We celebrated the big Mitchell Family Christmas the Sunday a week and a half before Christmas. Then we celebrated with Reaux and Dee Dee (Todd's dad and step-mom) on Christmas Eve. On Christmas day, we went to Nana's house (Todd's mom). What a wonderful time of being together.

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Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thanksgiving/Wright Christmas

For the Wright family, Thanksgiving and Christmas fell on the same day this year. Shireen (Russell's wife) is pregnant. She is due at the end of January. If we wanted to celebrate with the whole family, we needed to do Christmas early. Thanksgiving was a perfect time. It made for a hectic weekend (because we threw a baby shower in the mix too! :) , but it was so great to spend so much time together. By the end of the week one of Sierra's favorite words was "Reen" for Shireen! I am thankful for all of the family time we were able to enjoy!

Sierra trying on her new rain boots with Aunt Tami (or Ta Ta)
Sierra playing football!

Daddy and Sierra playing with the keyboard from Uncle Russ and Aunt "Reen"

Sierra wanting to be like Aunt "Reen" with her own water bottle.

My wonderful family. I am so blessed!

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Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween 2008

Sierra dressed as Tigger for her second Halloween. We had such a busy night after a full day of school. Sierra held it together well though! We went by Reaux and Dee Dee's house to see Ayden and Gavin, the pirates. Next we went to school to play and dance!

After all of that dancing, daddy joined us and we went to Grandmom and Poppa's church to the Trunk or Treat. There we saw a BIG gorilla that scared us! We walked around a little more, but we soon got tired. We all went home and decided it was time for bed. Sierra of course was over tired. Watch out for nights like that... She fought sleep and fought sleep. Finally I just laid her in her bed. Well, that didn't last long. Sierra was screaming and so upset that when she pulled and threw her leg up on the bed rail, she actually hoisted herself up. I caught her before she was completely over, but we all know she is now capable of climbing out of her crib. YIKES! They grow so fast! What will Halloween be like next year?
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Sunday, September 7, 2008

I can't believe how much Sierra has grown. She is nearly 14 months old now! Sierra is finally happy at preschool again after being home with mommy all summer. We had a great summer playing together, but returning to school was hard. But we are in a great routine now, even with being out for a week because of Hurricane Gustav. ( Sierra still went to school while I worked at home on lesson plans.)
Todd and I are taking Sierra to see the ENT doctor tomorrow for the first time. We have to discuss when to get buttons/tubes. Hopefully this will help with all of the ear aches Sierra has.
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Saturday, July 5, 2008

Sierra's Birthday

We had a great party at Aunt Lynda's. Sierra enjoyed family, cupcakes, presents, and swimming! We all had so much fun.
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Sunday, June 15, 2008

Crawford Family Reunion

We had our annual Crawford Family Reunion this past weekend. It is always nice to see family. We had a good time hanging out at my dads and eating WAY too much! :) Three generations were gathered; my mom and her brothers/sister and cousins, my siblings, cousins and their spouses and our children. It is amazing how these things change. We've been going to family reunions for as long as I can remember and now my daughter is experiencing the same thing. Life is one big crazy cycle!

Marja, Shawn, Stan, Russ, Shireen, Ryan, Linda, (Judy's daughter, sad i know), Kristie
Several cousins couldn't be here for multiple reasons. They were all missed.
Missing: Michelle, Susan, Eddie, Clif, Tami (who was inside sleeping)

Tami with Mason and Sierra

Poppa with Sierra

My two babies! Todd and Sierra

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Early Birthday

Aunt Tami brought Sierra her birthday present early this year! Everyone knows Aunt Tami LOVES Mickey Mouse. Well, she is hoping to help Sierra develop a love for Mickey, although, maybe not quite as strong.

Sierra loves her new toy. She walked behind it, rode on it, and just played with it for hours!

Thanks Aunt Tami for the wonderful gift!